...because otherwise, we might end up being scared of basic, heart-deep honesty before the God of truth, who doesn't change His mind and can never lie.
Times when we're flat-out scared. Or trying to hide our flaming hot red faces after realizing we have done something that a kind or wise person would not do. Or simply feeling low and needing a Father to say, Come here, child, sit beside me and rest your head on My shoulder. I have all the time that Eternity can hold.
Then, too, honesty is just as important when we're in foot-stomping, fist-clenching mode.
"This is just so unfair!"
"You did what???"
"I was first in line. Three hours ago. And this guy's trying to butt in."
And then there are times when our most eloquent speech is distilled into a sigh and a defeated shoulder shrug. Or into a worldess cry that echoes painfully from the depths of our souls.
He would understand. Because He sighed when He saw His Son tired. Divine eyes wept holy tears as His Son drew final breaths.
Then again, because David did rave, too, we can confidently eschew false dignity and bloated self-importance and simply jump and dance when heaven has given us reason to do so.
Such as when, after a with-bated-breath look, a pregnancy test stick finally shows the shy pink second line. Or a relative stranger looks you straight in the eye and shakes your clammy hand as she says, "Congratulations, you're hired!". Or with sheer abandon you give a totally unselfconscious hug to someone you've hurt before, and with whom you have now made peace.
Look for those moments this week.
Whether you feel like sighing, stamping or singing, know that your most intimate audience of One is never shocked or surprised, just all eyes and ears. Always.